Our Experiences

Meet the Participants

Perry Stoner

Perry Stoner

Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET)

Perry Stoner is a Producer with NET Television News and Public Affairs. He's been with NET since 1991 and been in the Producer role since 2001. Perry has work on numerous reports for Statewide, NET's News and Public Affairs weekly series. He also produced Crane Song, a high-definition documentary about the Sandhill Crane migration through the Central Platte River Valley in Nebraska. Most recently, he produced The Ethanol Maze, a documentary examining the efforts and potential implications to produce biofuels from corn. Perry is a Nebraska native, graduating from Syracuse High School. He earned Bachelor's and Graduate degrees in Journalism from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Perry started his career at NET as a videographer/editor. That position included the opportunity to work on several science projects. Restless Prairie examines Nebraska's unique geologic makeup. This documentary follows geologists, archeologists and paleontologists as they seek to find clues about the past hidden in Nebraska's landscape.

On the Wonderwise project, women in science are profiled to uncover clues about the scientific world. In Parasite Sleuth, Judy Sakanari visits San Francisco fish markets in search of worms and other parasites harmful to marine animals and humans. Her work with parasites helps scientists understand how these 'guests' survive inside another animal without being digested or expelled. In Urban Ecologist, Carmen Cid jumps into hip boots and trudges through mud to investigate life in a pond. Her work as a plant biologist helps scientists understand what keeps wetlands healthy.

“With the intended audience in mind, does the media piece contribute to the message being delivered?”