Historical Images

Soldiers wearing masks for protection from influenza during World War I


Soldiers at a U.S. army hospital in France during World War I wear masks for protection from the influenza epidemic.


Public domain/ courtesy, the National Library of Medicine/ 1918

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Soldiers hospitalized in Luxembourg with influenza during World War I


American soldiers with influenza were treated at a U.S. army field hospital in Luxembourg during World War I.


Public domain/ Photo number: Reeve 15183/ courtesy of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Washington, D.C./ 1918

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Soldiers hospitalized in Germany with influenza during World War I


American soldiers with influenza were treated at a U.S. army field hospital in Germany during World War I.


Public domain/ courtesy, the National Library of Medicine/ 1918

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Soldiers hospitalized in France with influenza during World War I


American soldiers with influenza were hospitalized in a U.S. army camp facility in France during World War I.


Public domain/ courtesy, the National Library of Medicine/ 1918

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Soldiers hospitalized with influenza during World War I


American soldiers with influenza were hospitalized at a U.S. army camp facility in France during World War I.


Public domain/ photo number: Reeve 14682/ courtesy, the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Washington, D.C./ 1918

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“The Political Influenza”


This historical political cartoon shows influenza and its symptoms.


Public domain/ courtesy, the National Library of Medicine/ Unknown date

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“The influenza and various other influences”


This is an 1890 collection of seven illustrations showing people stricken with influenza.


Public domain/ courtesy, the National Library of Medicine/ Taylor, R. engraver/ Davis, Lucien, contributor/ 1890

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Influenza sign


This is a historical sign from 1918 regarding influenza complicated by pneumonia.


Public domain/ courtesy, the National Library of Medicine/ Department of Health, Chicago, Ill, creator/ John Dill Robertson, contributor/ 1918

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